Classroom Rules and Expectations

- Students must be in the room, beginning their warm-up when the tardy bell rings.
- Food, candy, and drinks are NOT allowed in the classroom.
- Students must bring supplies to class everyday.
- Students must be in school regulated dress code.
- Students are not allowed to go to unauthorized websites. The computers are to be used only for classroom task purposes. They are not to be used for any other reason.
- Students must stay on task from bell to bell.
- Students are not to sleep during class. If you are on medication which can make you drowsy in class, please let me know.
- Do not talk while others are talking. Be courteous!
- No grooming - take care of that before school or between class.
- All cell phones and electronic devices must put away and turned off at all times.
- Students are to remain in their assigned seats during class. Do not get up without asking permission.
- Treat teacher and classmates with respect. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
- Positive attitudes only are allowed in the classroom.
- Profanity is unacceptable in my classroom.
- Follow ALL “PATRIOT WAY” rules and procedure.